President’s Message….
Hello Summerlea! A note to update you on the League’s 2015 Initiatives. First, a big thank-you to all our casino volunteers and a special thank-you to Steve Romaniuk for all his hard work coordinating the casino for Summerlea. The casino raised almost $80 000! These funds will be used for neighbourhood beautification projects such as painting the sound barrier perimeter fence and updating signage. Please plan to attend our Annual AGM in May to learn more. Details to follow.
We have been redeveloping our website but are in desperate need of some neighbourhood photos! If you have some photos you would be willing to share, please email us at Check out the website at
This year we will be running two big bin events (one in early June, and one in September). Other intiatives include our ongoing community league swim program Sundays 4-6pm at Jasper Place Pool.
The Executive continues to liase with the City of Edmonton regarding the development of the school surplus site. To date, the City still promses to explore the building site location within Summerlea as one of many aspects to be discussed through the community engagement process. This process will begin later this year with Keheewin and Ogilvie Ridge sites, we have no word on when the process will start for Summerlea. We need to continue to lobby the City and our Councillor to ensure that this development compliments our neighbourhood. Please plan to attend the Town Hall Meeting with Councillor Knack. Let’s be heard Summerlea
Christine Belter