Hello Summerlea! An update on some important communications received by the Community League over the summer months. These are items that impact our neighborhood and we need to be a strong voice to City Council and let our concerns be heard. Please attend Councillor Knack’s Town Hall meeting on Monday, Sept 14th. There is strength in numbers! Hope to see you there.
The Summerlea Storm Water Surcharge Relief Project has been rescheduled to begin Spring of 2016. The purpose of the project is to reduce the risk of flooding to our neighborhood. It entails the construction of a large diameter pipe to an existing trunk sewar along 95 Avenue into the existing storm water management facility (The Tera Losa Pond). The delay is due to land aquisition requirements. Prior to the commencement of the project, The City will host another public information session to provide the updated information on the project.
Regarding the School Surplus Site Development…..Over the spring and summer, the City has been working with the communities of Ogilvie Ridge and Keheewin in preparation for the fall, when the City will begin testing a new public engagement process in a series of open houses in the communities. To date, we have no timelines for public engagement or development for Summerlea. The League’s stance remains that we wish to preserve the park area.
In late August we received a “Notice of Proposed Cell Tower” from Rogers Communications. Rogers is proposing to construct a 20m monopole telecommunications (cellular) tower facility and supporting ground-level equipment cabinets on the ground level within the City of Edmonton at 17504-90 Ave. This location is between the WEM motel and the overflow parking lot. The Community League and Executive Members have responded to Rogers regarding concern of location for a variety of reasons. Please check the website for details of the proposal. In addition, you will find a template letter titled Summerlea Cell Tower Proposal Objection. We encourage you to follow suit, and send your objections to this project to Rogers.
For futher details and contacts for the above proposals please go to www.summerlea.org.
Hope to see you on September 26th. Bring your junk to the bins, purchase your 2015/2016 Membership, join us for some old fashioned games, and enjoy a hot dog and snack with your neighbors!
Sincerely, Christine Belter-President