Summerlea Update and Response to Covid-19

Town Hall

On February 24, we had a town hall meeting with City planners and project personnel and Councilor Andrew Knack on the topics of the West Edmonton Mall rezoning requests (overflow lot rezoning and signage) and the City’s proposed relocation of the LRT station from 87th Avenue at West Edmonton Mall to the overflow lot.

Thank you to everyone who came out for the meeting. Your continuing interest makes a big difference to the success of the community.

Since the town hall meeting, the community league board has been working with other leagues and gaining support to not rezone the overflow lot. Furthermore, the City of Edmonton has told us that they rejected the proposed signage changes and asked WEM to resubmit a more reasonable proposal. The rezoning application will not be addressed at a city council meeting until sometime after April.

COVID-19 Response: What Do We Do Now?

In response to COVID-19 and the need for physical distancing, the Annual General Meeting and the Big Bin Event that were scheduled for May have been postponed until further notice.

You may also have noticed that the playground is closed.

However, we are all encouraged to get outside, as long as we maintain a 2 meter distance from others not in our household.

The Edmonton Public Library has fun ideas using resources for kids and grown-ups on their EPL at Home page. And there’s a new city-wide art project called Window Art (#YEGWindowArt) that we can all participate in.

Local businesses are finding innovative ways to serve us and for this they deserve our support. From arts and entertainment to vehicle repairs and maintenance, you can find them here at Things that Are Open.

Check our new Things to Do page for more information on these activities.

The community league is taking a look at how we can organize to foster neighborhood engagement. More information to come. In the meantime, if you have any questions or comments, let us know at