May 2022 Newsletter

  • AGM announcement
  • Big Bin event
  • Volunteers needed
  • Thanking Tamara Vorotilenko and Katherine Baranov for their service
  • Property degradation, graffiti, encampments, loitering…who to call

November 2019: Crime Watch Tips, Christmas Lights, Skating, and More

Neighborhood Crime Watch Tips

Your residence should not only look “lived in”, but it should also have the appearance that “people are home”.

This winter:

  • Try and keep the snow cleared from your sidewalk and driveway. 
  • Keep a light on. Leave a radio playing.
  • Remember, you do not have to “play fair.” You can have a “beware of dog” sign without the dog. You can have children’s toys in the yard without having the children. You can park a pair of size 12 boots by the back door even if you wear size five. Why not keep the bad guys guessing?

And remember … get to know your neighbors! They are a great alarm system.

6th Annual Christmas Lights Contest

Nominate your favourite decorated home at

Judging will take place December 24 and 25, so leave your lights on.

Winners will receive gift certificates to local restaurants and City of Edmonton Recreation Centre Passes.

 Let’s light up Summerlea!

Community Garden Survey

The committee has been working on the concept of a community garden here in Summerlea. Now we need to get a sense of what the residents think.

Do you support the concept, or do you say “no way”?

Let us know what you think by sending an email to

Sending an email will not put you under any obligation—we promise!

Free Skating at Belmead Rink

Summerlea Community League members can skate for free at the Belmead Rink at 9109 – 182 St NW.

Recreational skating hours are posted here, or go to the Belmead Community League Facebook page.

If you need skate tags, send an email to

Park Project Update

The park upgrade project has started. Some of the new trees were planted and furniture was put on site. 

The work being done now is to install the new light stands and secured electrical outlets. The concrete pad, gazebo construction and furniture placement will take place in the spring of 2020. 

Another project supported by the Summerlea Executive and our valued volunteers who work our casinos!